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Our Story

Tony and Heather Gamberg each lost their Mothers  in 2009, just 11 days apart. Not only did the loss of their Mothers bring them together but it reminded them of the importance of knowing you are not alone in your brokenness, and that together we can heal. They recognized that there is so much more to this life and were inspired through navigating their own past/present trauma and grief that all of our pain can be turned into purpose, all we need is a sliver of HOPE. 

From there, the vision for AOH was birthed. Their desire is for those experiencing feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, loss, grief, insignificance or just simply needing to catch their breath would come and know they belong and that they matter. Their hearts desire is that others would experience restoration and freedom, knowing the lasting impact to families and our communities. No matter your age, demographic, past or present, it is never too late to begin again. Every life has value. We were not made to carry our weights alone and at Acres of Hope Ranch, you don't have to. You Belong. 

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